
Showing posts from March, 2010


喜欢听芭辣的伤心的歌,但是,可能是最近听了太多,心情好像被影响了。 陷入一种忧郁的氛围,像漩涡一样,将我淹没。 换了新的环境,没有收音机,没有得上网听电台, 只有,在我laptop的那些歌。 当我听一首歌,我会不断从复,你相信吗?驾车来这个新地方,两个小时,我都差不多在重复同一首歌。A little bit too much? 是歌词太过动人?旋律过于动容? 还是听歌的人。。。 你喜欢这些‘芭辣’的歌吗? 伴-黄小琥 沒那麼簡單-黃小琥 黃小琥-殼 我要快樂 - 張惠妹 张惠妹 如果你也听说 张惠妹 - 人质


每当夜深人静,无法入眠,就会不断重复这首歌 它道出了,都市人的心情 快乐, 睡得安稳, 乐观, 这些,看似简单,有时,却难如登天。 我要快乐,我要能睡得安稳。 明天去唱 k, 一定要唱的歌。 还有,忘了说,这个部落格的上的素描,要说的就是, 好想可以睡得象小孩一样,安稳无忧。 但是,有人说,画里的小孩,看起来很伤心的样子。。。 嗯,你说呢? 睡得安稳?还是心事重重?

screw it!!!!!

This afternoon, when I was about to start my pm round in my ward, got a phone from the counter. I went to answer, is a MO calling me: hey, poh . Are u free now? can come down to clinic now? After answering yes, then I went down to clinic. In this current posting, when a MO looks for you, you can expect something is not right. Because they only will look for you when you screw up something/ ur job is not properly done. with that in mind, I kinda prepare myself for it. Went into the clinic room, I saw a patient that I discharged last week. I knew it he must be wanting to point out my mistakes. (But I am pretty sure that I did everything well before discharging the patient!) He started talking: you discharge the patient? where is the referral letter? (FYI, this patient was admitted to o&g ward, but has psychosis symptoms, need to get appt in psychiatric and neurology clinic after discharge) OMG , I did do both referral letters!!!!He was accusing me for simply discharging patient wi...


tired, exhausted, yet I cant fall asleep maybe is the cup of coffee I drank, maybe is because I am too tired?! Maybe is that it is too hot to sleep, sweating in my room!!!! Argh!!!! I hate it when I cannot fall asleep. tat sucks, tomorrow need to go to work, and it is monday, hell busy day! tagging somemore!!!! How I wish I have an Aircon in my room, how nice would it be?! I can only dream about tat. Pls let me sleep!!!!!!!!!!!


凌晨一点钟,冰冻的咖啡,电台播着好听的歌。 我不想睡。 虽然明天一样工作 怀念以前熬夜的生活。


不断重复听着这首歌。 最近,好多不容易的事情。 1。 开始新的posting, O&G, 被公认最惨的一个posting. 我也觉得如此。一开始,就要tag 比其它 posting 久。两个礼拜。还有,要在这十四天里,接生 10个,C section assit 3 个。现在酱多houseman, 抢到爆!跟自己人抢,跟人家抢,跟student nurse 抢,how pathetic?! 总算枪完我该做的了,一点都不容易!!!过了一个礼拜,还有另一个礼拜。过后,还有四个月。。。 2。 好不容易,去看了um 的 dermatologist, 拿到了我要的 retinoid acid. 谁知,queen 的 dermatologist 不要给我开始这个药。他说得好像,是我在滥用药物这样。但是,我还是insist 我要继续。他要我签consent, 说不是他的recommendation! Acne o acne, to get rid of you 真的没那么简单。 3。 长大,也并非容易事一桩。好多好多东西,现在都要靠我自己,还有其他人,期待有我可以靠。。。 “什麼都不懂的年纪 曾经最掏心 所以最开心 曾经。。。” 可以不可以回到什么都不懂的时候?!