
Showing posts from April, 2012

蘇打綠 sodagreen -【喜歡寂寞】

重复了上百遍吧。 如今故事发展成就一个我,学会了生活,能享受寂寞。 最近几勤劳一下,啃书时,耳机就只有这首歌。 咖啡,书,一首好歌 = effective study. Lol 四月,是个好月份。哈哈。

不必在乎我是谁-方炯镔Abin《Full CD Version》坏人情歌《遗憾》

方炯镔 - 不必在乎我是谁 作词:李宗盛 作曲:李宗盛 我觉得有点累 我想我缺少安慰 我的生活如此乏味 生命象花一样枯萎 我整夜不睡 可能是因为夜晚喝咖啡 如果是因为没有人陪 我愿意敞开心扉 其次 真的想让自己醉 让自己远离那许多恩怨是非 让隐藏已久的渴望 随风飞 喔 忘了我是谁 我想你说得对 寂寞使人憔悴 是寂寞使人心碎  我想我做得对 我想我不会后悔 不管春风怎样吹 让我先好好爱一回 Category: Music Tags: Don't   care   who   I   am License: Standard YouTube License


可不可以停止继续蹉跎时间? 要做的东西很多, 所得税,修理电脑,修理手机,弄streamyx, 整理房间,on call claim 还没claim, 读书。。。 成天浑浑噩噩的过日子, 开工想下班 星期一想星期五, 下了班,上上网,就一觉睡到明天。 周末,一眨眼,就过了,要读的书,没读到; 要做的事,一拖再拖。 这种日子还能过下去吗? 过不下去了!!!! 好吧,给自己个short term plan 1。on call claim (礼拜一一定要交了,不然壹千块就飞走了啦!) 2。读一点书,一点点也好。 3。在宿舍装streamyx and KIV washing machine (觉得少回家里比较好,erm...) 4。所得税,四月前!!! 5。去kl shopping (借着生日月份的理由,通融通融一下存款,lol) 这个月很穷一下,因为tagging 不能locum. 在过去九个月里,我换了三次工作环境 第一次,从实习到KK Telupid 第二次,从Sabah 到 Temerloh 第三次,从小儿科 到 眼科 好累噢,被迫着适应种种的陌生环境。 希望,这过后就 Settle down 了。 是时候 settle down 了啦。 好想放假,去一个陌生的城市。

Change, for better or for worse

Tired of changing, and having to adapt to new environment... Spent 6 months to adapt to pediatric , just when I have adapted to pediatric, I am changing to another department Actually, after 4-5 months of doing pead, I get pretty comfortable in that environment already. When finally get the letter to transfer to another department, a bit 不舍to leave also. I feel that I have a very special relation with pediatric It was the posting I enjoyed the most during my HOship, the nicest working colleague, most inspiring specialist and MOs, even thought I never think I will be joining that department. coming back, I was assigned to go to pediatric. No choice, I have to do it. I dont know is it fate telling me that I should do pead or??!! I enjoyed managing babies in NICU. Babies are the cutest thing in the world! Today is my day 4 in new department- ophthalmology. I dont know for sure I like it or not, as it is still too early to tell But I dont really enjoy the vibe of this department here It w...