The road not taken, now which road to take?

I am so confused with my future right now. Whether to stay in Malaysia- my homeland or to go to Singpore???
Do i really like medicine?
Am I supposed to plan my career ahead of me, like specializing in which principle?
Surgery? Psychiatric?
There is always a voice deep inside my heart telling me:
How about Art?Design?
I am too afraid to think about my true passion, and to pursue it.
I am too rational and realistic...
Now that I am in final year of my medical course, there are a lot of decisions to make.
I really have no idea what I want!!!!
Always feel like not good enough in medical school is frustrating.
I do believe in talent, some people are just born to do medicine, maybe not me!!!
In medicine, we are looking for perfection, genius, excellence, distinction and flawlessness.
Being an average student is just not enought....
I wish I had the gut to live my dream...


  1. erm,i think important thing is learn d essential stuff and i do admit sometime grades do makes us feel down but try to do better next time eop test result all very bad...felt depressed bt need to do better somehow...esp final...huhu....d thing with ur dream can be very frustrating(d conversation in d car tht day...haah),bt settle d things needed first lo like houseman,compulsary service,u may get a chance to "convert",we cannot predict the future right...hehe,jia you lo and be happy

  2. 源,我常问自己:我到底能为社会做些什么?

  3. kyan, don't worry. You are doing fine in medicine. We all know that! Just some problem with your sleeping disorders la. We cannot predict the future. But always think of your best interest and what you really want before you make any decision. Just trust your heart. You will never able to compare between the road not taken and the road you had choose. Just don't look backward and everything will be fine... Jia you lo..

  4. Do wat u want.. be wat u wish..=D



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