What is the thing you wanna achieve in life?

I start thinking of this question since starting work. Working as a doctor seems nice, making good money and respected by the society.
Personally, I don't enjoy being called a doctor. I really dont care about the Dr in front of my name. Feeling weird walking in the hospital hallway, and strangers greeting me: good morning doctor! maybe I still feel not qualified as a doctor,or I never thought of myself as a doctor?!
When I was a student, Just going with the flow, no need to think what you wanna do. (Thought of studying design/art, but no money)
What I wanna achieve in my life, is not people looking at me and think I am succesful because I am a doctor, or being able to save patient's life, curing one's sickness.....
Thinking back, what makes me happy in life is actually creating beautiful things. I love the time spent on my own, doing things on my own pace, and finally coming out with something which is nice, it can be a card, a drawing....
I miss those days in school time, staying up whole night to make posters, that makes me happy even though I have no sleep. Compared to now, on call is torturing, and I just wanna do my job without any mess up. Every second I have to make sure I have done what I am supposed to do and make sure all is done correctly. I hate that feeling.
What do you get when you did all the blood taking, clerking and finally patient recover? I feel nothing......really, nothing.
I was too ambitious, thinking of learning more and to equip myself during housemaship. Now only I realise I dont leven ike practicing medicine.
Doctor is more than just a title, behind that it carries so much of responsibility, expectations and patient's hope....
our salary is good enough for living, but I dont dream to be rich also. As long as I am happy with my life and no worry for food and living....
many people asked me: felt regret to come to sabah?!
the answer is YES! I was too ambitious, but, i think, should i have stayed at kl or temerloh, thing wont be much different, because i dont like my job not because of the workload or anything, is just that i dont like practicing medicine. I might like studying medicine, but practicing it is so much different!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of my coursemates had quitted/ is thinking of quitting...I really envy them for their courage, i feel like quitting many times.....i think i will have MDD living like this for 2 years?!or will I adapt like everyone else has?
every job sucks, how do I make sure that I will enjoy the next job after I quit this one?
Reality is cruel, sometimes we still need to be realistic.
I dont know........
tomorrow on call, praying for no admission and a cold call, see, i m not tat eager to learn.....


  1. Every job sucks... bingo! So don't quit. U will give up easily once u have given up one time.

    Erm... can I have a request? I want a drawing like the one on ur header to put on my blog. Hehe;p U like art ma...

  2. yeah,i kept asking the same question...i know how u feel...

  3. Actually, I feel the same though. Workload is not heavy at Ampang, but just don't feel joy in working a doctor. How?

    Time to lay the groundwork for a career shift...

  4. 恕我直言,既然选择了,就不要老是想后悔的事了。越想就越苦。虽然我年纪比轻几岁, 但面对这事儿我也是过来人。去了一个让自己水土不服的地方,干点吃力不讨好的事儿,确实叫人难堪。但,改变不了事实,就改变自己的思想。就想想吧:你干的是一个神圣的工作, 能够奉献,且能make different in people life. 我还记得我第一次到医院实习的时候,菜鸟护士学生,瞎都不会,有个严重病患就直冲着我骂:“没脑啊你!”,也给医生责备。你懂吗,到我实习最后一天我跟那位病人道别,她用她仅剩的余气对我说:”好好读书哦,将来得当个好护士。”原来,在我照顾她那段期间,她已慢慢地接受了我。虽然医生和护士的工作性质大大不同,但面对的同样是病患。就这么想:同情同情他们,生病的人挺可怜的。


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