
Showing posts from June, 2010


我不是一定要你回来,只是当又把回忆翻开 想做乐观的人,每种雨声,听了都不冷 想要飞,却怎么样也飞不高 在我心上用力的开一枪,让这一切归零在这声巨响 要怎么负荷?舍不得,又无可奈何 别人说的话,随便听一听 容忍的人其实并不笨,只是宁可对自己残忍 想问天问大地,或者是迷信,问问宿命 这样并不算太坏,。。。说来无奈 我们都没错,只是不适合,我要的,我现在才懂得 陪我唱歌,清唱一首。。 哈哈。看得懂吗?

I m not ok

For those who has asked: R u ok? Well indeed I am not. How is it possible to be ok with this? I know I will be ok, because it will always get better in time, just that I don't know how long it wil take. Trying not to be negative yet I can't help it Thanks for asking, even though most of the time I don't know how to answer you. Thanks for not asking, because I can't tell you that I am not. "I don't wanna run away but I can't take it I don't understand"