
Being in this current posting, I see death almost everyday, or more accurately, I see people dying in front of me everyday. They usually become unresponsive first, vitals might be haywire, but they are not dead yet. and when you try to intervene, they might improve or they might just continue to deteriorate, and dying in front of you. heart rate from fast now is slow, very slow, then no heart rate on monitor...These kind of patients, some might come back from dying, some just die.

This kind of death is commonly seen and you will kind of get numb of it later on.

There is another type of dying, which i see today.
14 y.o girl, separated parents, staying with grandmother only, ingested paraquat (?claimed accidental ingestion), and we cant do anything for her except to inform her and her family that she is dying slowly...

she is still vy well actually, but now kidney is failing, slowly, the lung will be damaged, she will have difficulty in breathing, full blown kidney failure, and eventually she will die, just the duration for deterioration we don't know.
Not knowing how serious is her prognosis, she might thought that she is still okay, and expect to go home later, but we are yet to inform her and her family that she will be dead in about 1 or 2 weeks time, there is no antidote for paraquat poisoning and the damage to the organ is expected and not preventable, unless patient comes vy early to hospital...

how to tell a 14 y/o that she is dying?

life is precious, be grateful
life is short, appreciate every moment of it

what would you do if you were told that you are dying?
what would you do differently if you have only 1 week left to live?
what you wish to do before you die?

Do it now!


  1. ya it is indeed vy sad, but she went back home already, I hope she will know what to do for the next 1-2 weeks she has left. God bless her

  2. human are gifted with the ability of thinking and feeling, if we are borned as a machine, then maybe it would be better.


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