When September Ends...

This year's September is different.
Going to transfer back to Pahang at the end of September.
It is a turning point to my work and life.
Kinda sad to leave, yet looking forward to go back to Semenanjung.
Gonna miss the people here, the friends here.
With them, make this 2 years housemanship fun n enjoyable.
I am leaving this land, but the memories I have here, will be in my mind where ever I go.

Coming here to Telupid is a blessing maybe, but I m not meant to stay here for long.
On the very first day I start work here, was informed that my transfer to Pahang has just been approved.
Working here really open my eyes.
Never been so Jonah in my entire medical life.
Seeing weird and interesting cases almost everyday.
Managing patients with limited resources and equipment, has really trained me to be confident in clinical judgement.

Telupid is a boring/ dead town * no offence, but is true.
I hope I provide good health service during my time.
But, is my time to go back to serve My people (so sick of seeing URs already)

Serving my people, including my family. which was the reason for me to go back at the first place.

countdown the days left in Telupid...and the days in Sabah too.

Booked the ticket to fly back on 28th September.

Am I ready to leave Sabah and all of these behind?

Am I ready to go back?

Life is like this, we need to move on.

Leaving, I bring along all the memories I cherish in my heart.
Going back, I look forward to new chapter of life.


  1. oh, you are going to transfer back soon? so shock to hear this news, but anyway, i wish that you have a good start over there...
    we are going to miss you. ;)

  2. im struggling about going back hometown or not. i found it so hard to persuade myself to go back, the only one reason is for my family. but it seems like a extremely strong evidence for me.


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