
Showing posts from September, 2010

Facebook is very dangerous!

You will never imagine how powerful the effect of FB . I was shocked last time when I found out that my mother knew about my hideous hair cut, by checking on the photos i uploaded on my FB . She is the typical chinese aunty , who dont even know how to use a computer. But she mange to check on my FB with my relative's help. I go back and ask, found out that my relative will actually help her to get to my account and see my status and photos... kuang 3 today, I was bored and looking through my 表姐 FB , found out that my another aunty also has a FB account!!!!!!Shocked!!!not only that, all aunties are updated to what is happening in FB too.... I guess I should stop expressing myself too much in FB , and putting link for my blog to FB . What if someday my mum starts calling me asking me things I wrote in my blog?! like that 1 i wrote I'm not okay?! Anyway, all the things I wrote on my blog is only to release my stress, if I am still writing, means I am okay (in case my moth...


Went for a medical camp last week. erm, medical camp is an activity where we go to interior part to see and treat patient, that kind of thing. It was not as I would imagine, because it was kinda too comfortable for us. We went water cruise, see orang utan, proboscis monkey, king fisher.... But, we do see patient as well, even though I see very limited... There is 1 patient, who is only 16 years old, but has quite bad psoriasis. His skin, from the hands, scalp, trunks to the leg, all are covered with these psoriatic plaque. He loss his hair due to the skin condition.During the consultation, he kept asking what is the cause of his skin condition. He thought that it was his hygiene level, or his blood is just too toxic things like that. His father was even more worried, thinking that his son is having some infectious skin disease, I can feel that they are kinda embarrassed by the skin condition. I kept stressing to them that this is not something they should feel embarrassed about, becaus...


不喜欢日夜颠倒 睡眠问题又开始了 太闲空,但生活没目标,只是多了闷 以前忙得没时间,所以不觉得怎样 要给自己一些目标, 看看身边的人,大家似乎都知道以后要做些什么 我却在蹉跎光阴 睡了醒,醒了睡, 你要睡到什么时候? 还记得有个朋友说过: 你现在睡那么多干吗? 你怕你长眠后没得睡吗? 应该把握时间,做有用的事。 有没有什么东西,可以让我填满我的生活? 好害怕空荡荡的那种感觉。 康熙,星光,填不满那空洞。 可笑的是,越看让我越觉得空洞。 新的laptop,也满足不了 那种无底洞的空荡荡, 在夜深时, 寂寞的回音,更清晰 好想唱k,让我抒发抒发


夜阑人静,你怕吗? 是人老了?还是什么, 黑夜,让我惶恐。尤其是失眠夜 咖啡麻醉不了孤单,只会让夜更长。。。