
Showing posts from November, 2008


今天,从家里回来um.买了10:10am的巴士票。我睡到十点才起床,匆匆忙忙的洗刷一下,就赶去巴士站。还好,巴士还没来。 等着等着,已过了十五分钟,时间是10:25。 不耐烦地去问了售票员,他说:我也联络不到司机,不懂几时才回来。 等到肚子也饿了,心想:不如到对面街的早餐店吃点东西。那间店就在巴士站的斜对面。我可以看到巴士是否来了(我当时是这么想)。 吃着吃着,突然间,那巴士从我眼前开走了。东西都还没吃到几口,我就付了钱,拔腿就跑,却也追不上那巴士。奇怪了,为什么我没看到巴士来了呢?原来,巴士反方向来,所以,它来时,我看不到,只有在他开走时,我才看到。 就这样,我浪费了rm14,还要给多 rm15, 再买多一张票。而且,还要搭多一趟巴士去到temerloh. 光等去temerloh的巴士,就花了我两个小时。 回到kl时,其实我已经饿到无法形容了。我没吃早餐,午餐,到kl已经是晚餐的时间。 现在的我,好饿,但是应该没人会和我去夜宵了。都已经是凌晨12:17。 好饿,好饿,好饿。但是明天要早起,08:00 有课上。


昨天,游泳完后,决定要骑摩多去ss2卖面包,结果,不争气的摩多,在回程的路上,抛锚了。 这件事,让我想起前几个月,摩多puncit的一次,超倒霉的事迹 那天傍晚,跟neoh&ksoon约好一起去游泳。他们两个人骑一辆摩多,我一个人骑另外一辆。 出发时,就发现tayar不够风。心想:没关系,先去附近的油站打风。 骑着骑着,就发现车头开始摇摆,OMG, tayar 在还没撑到油站就puncit了!!! 想要stay positve, 告诉自己:没关系,干脆骑到ss17 去换tayar. 本以为,puncit已经够衰了。但是,天空竟然下起了雨!天啊,你是要整我吗?真是破屋又遭连夜雨。tayar puncit, 摩多不能开快,所以,只好以乌龟般的速度前进。 很多时候,你以为情况不可能变更糟时,上天就来开你一个玩笑。 以上就是我倒霉的一天。 说完之前的事,也要说说最近的这一次。这次的事件,摩多的问题大好多了,我根本不能启动它,只好把他留在ss2一个晚上。隔天,找了人去修,他竟打电话给我说:没有看到你的摩多啊! 听到他那么说,我的心,像跌入了无底洞,想着:不会给人偷掉了吧?天啊,那可不是我的摩多,不见了,我拿什么赔给人家?天啊,别玩我。 还好,在沟通过后,才知道我给错资料,把yamaha讲成honda,让老板捉破了头。 paiseh, 老板,我连摩多的号码都记不得,你要我记yamaha/honda/suzuki/toyota吗? 虽然有两次摩多出事,都和ksoon在一起,我并不真地认为他带衰/带‘赛 (大便的赛)’,只是喜欢看他发飙的模样。或许我不该一直这样嘲弄他,因为他真的会信以为真而生气的。哈哈


shh.......他在睡觉,别吵。他终于睡着了。 在一旁看着主人睡着的小熊说。 为什么他都在太阳高挂的时候睡觉呢?他不用上课吗? 夜深人静时,他却是醒着的。 不解的小兔问说。 小熊回说∶你可考倒我了,我想,就连主人他本身也无法回答你的问题! 小熊和小兔,谢谢你们陪伴我渡过无数个失眠的夜晚。

Out of control

Everything has gone wild and out of control, and I can’t stop the vicious cycle. I have lost control over my sleeping pattern, falling asleep in the afternoon and skipping all the classes. Waking up in the middle of night feeling guilty and can’t focus on doing anything, Anything!!! It is out of control and crazy, I am totally freaked out right now. I don’t know what to do to make it back to normal. Oh God, help me… I hate myself for being like this, but I feel so hopeless and I just don’ know how to break this vicious cycle Give me sleeping pill to sleep at night, so that I could wake up in the morning and sleep at night. Why am I so stubborn to continue drinking coffee?? This bad habit has caused so many troubles in my life. Yet, I can’t change it or to be more accurate, I don’t have the determination to stop it. Everything is falling apart. I don’t want to be like this anymore

The thing I love

What I love is anything to do with art or design. I first discover my ability to create and appreciate beautiful thing during secondary school. Being a class monitor makes me involved in decorating our class's notice board. From there, I find that people prone to like what I created. Then I strated to participate in creating poster, flyer, backdrop for activities held in my school. I am so grateful to be given the ability to make beautiful thing. Having no formal training in either art or painting, the skills in me are mostly obtained from trying an error and also stealing ideas from loitering in book store. Once, I was caught by a shopkeeper for copying note from the book. Haha... these boxes and church card are the ideas stolen from Times (The book store). After secondary school, I become less active in participating any activity. But I am still very intrigued by anything that has to do with design. For example the shows that I love so much: Project Runway and Top Design. Proje...