
Showing posts from December, 2008


你可能觉得不可思议,我都要减肥。 今天,量了量体重,哇!!!! 58kg!!!!! 中学时,我只有55,在大学,有56,今天量一下,58。5。 我的bmi,从以前的18。5,到19, 今天,是20.8!!! 让我要减肥的原因,并非这些数字,而是,好多好多人,都说我的脸肿了!!! 啊!!!!!为什么????好胖不胖,就偏偏旁在脸上?!我恨脸上的脂肪!!! 天啊,让我减去脸上的肥油吧,我不要做肥脸人!(虽然我的身体是瘦的,我真的不懂为何我的脸会越来越肿!) 有谁可以提供一些瘦脸的方法吗? 我不要做胖子,想不到,曾经受骨瘦如材的我,也会沦落到今天的地步。。。 晴天霹雳,我要减肥!!!!!


考试要来了,我又陷入了我睡眠的黑洞。每天晚上,上网,看戏,无所事事。到了凌晨,才上床睡觉。明天起来,已是傍晚时分。起床,继续看戏,上网。 我不敢开始计划温习,怕看到剩下的时间,那么少。 放纵自己,相个鸵鸟,挖个洞,躲在我黑暗的安全地带。不要让我自己看到,听到,任何关于考试的东西。 我很善于逃避,任何我不想的东西,就转过头,闭上眼睛,不听不想。 是时候从洞里出来了,呆在黑暗洞里久了,也会忧郁。 加上,逃避不能解决问题,只会浪费时间,无助于事,反而耽误了时间。 鸵鸟要把头探出来了,需要些阳光,还有空气。 虽然考试很恐怖,只要努力温习,好好安排时间,我可以做到的! Quote Nike 的 slogan: Just do it!!!!! 朋友们,我们一起加油吧,这个大考,压力真的很大。相信就可以做到!!!大家来‘放粪涂壁’吧!!!

A fruitful christmas shopping, haha

Today is 25th December and it is Christmas!!! I went shopping with kok soon in sunway pyramid. We were very tired and sleepy after a big lunch we had at "da chang jin" with james, hesitating wanting to go or not. But we decided to go because I need a new pair of shoes desperatelly. (the old shoes is so broken now). We were tired at first, but awaken straight away by the signs of SALE all around the shops. I shopped like I am in heaven. In Jusco, I bought 3 SEED shirts for only Rm 104. Each shirt only cost me about Rm 33. It has been a long long time since my last crazy shopping. It felt so good to spend money and buy thing that I like. In SEED, I did not just buy shirts, but also a new tie. I have always been wanting to buy a tie like this, because of my small size, only these narrow ties suit me. Why I bought so many clothes????Isn't buying a new pair of shoes my first aim???I just couldn't resist the cheap clothes shouting at me: Buy me, I am so worthy!!!!!!! Fina...

The fun I had in Banting

Over the past 3 weeks in banting hospital, the place that i enjoyed the most there is Jugra . There is a Jugra mountain, where you can walk up the path and enjoy the bird's eye view of the whole Jugra town. Situated by the beach, you can see the selat melaka and the banting river joining the sea when you are on the top of the hill. We saw people doing parachute there during the first visit to Jugra mountain . After asking the people, we were told that we can actually pay Rm 150 to try it with a trainer. We din't do it after all because it is still quite pricey. Besides all these, there were a lot of animals for you to see. One of them is the special monkey. they are not the typical brown color monkey, instead, they are black in color. Their face is so distintive , with white color eye brow and a beckham's hair style. But too bad, I was not able to take a photo of them, because they are very scared of human. It was lucky for me to see them, because not everytime ...


我在这过去的两个星期里,看到了有些人的丑陋,阴深面。。。单纯的我,还以为人之初性本善。但是,这世界,有好多自私到不行的人。为了他们自己的益处,他们可以不顾一切。还有为了逃避责任,他们可以装傻,让‘憨好人’去做事,他们就鱼滃得利,有什么事,就退后一步,袖手旁观。他们很厉害的,超会说话,弯的都可以拗成直的。他们的借口是承出不穷,为了把责任甩掉,可以不顾良心,什么都说。有时,我很佩服他们,因为他们可以在人前显得是好人,虽然他们什么都没做。做工的人, 反而有时变成众矢之的,当东西变糟糕时。 还有另一种人,就是人见人厌的。我搞不清楚他们怎么想事情,总是能惹每一个人生气。固执,讲不听,不能沟通。 人不为己,天诛地灭。但是,不能背着良心做事,我依然相信好人有好报。 做人不能太天真。


Today is the 2 nd day of banting posting. we are supposed to punch in at 8am and punch out at 5pm, as our attendance . This morning, my friend had punched for us. And, i offer to punch out for others this evening. I went at 5:10pm, hoping that most of the hospital workers would have left hospital, making it easier for me to do dirty work. The punch machine is inside the ward. I carried all ten cards and hide them in my pocket so that nobody will see it. When I entered the ward, I see a man with a stethoscope around his neck-he is definitely a doctor. He was actually at least 7 meters from me, but I still feel that he was looking at me, wondering what I want to do in his ward. (I was wearing lab coat...stupid, shouldn't have done that, making myself so visible). I punched my card, and thinking of how to do the other 9 cards. Again, I can see the male doctor is still looking at me. Feeling nervous, I walk into the treatment room, which is very near to me (the male doctor must h...