
Showing posts from September, 2009


还剩下不到四个星期就结束surgery posting 到这个时候,只有一个字-累 开始 第一个月:blur, intimidated, stupid 第二个月:开心,交了几个新的好朋友,工作慢慢适应了, 唱k, 吃饭,八卦!哈哈 第三个月:工作上了轨道,享受工作后,一起吃饭,聊天的猪朋狗友。 第四个月:现在,累,就是累!可能是要去pead 了,怕怕。而且,不会见到在surgery 的猪朋狗友,又是从头开始。又要从blur, intimidated stupid phase 开始。 在surgery 的猪朋狗友,i will miss u guys. 不过一半会迟一个月过来,还好。 还好有你们陪我唱 k, 吃饭。让我开始享受工作后的生活。 要开始申请假期,有至少6天。我要回家,还是去旅行?可是又没有人陪去旅行。 还是回家吧,家里有好多东西要settle. 是时候回馈家里了。。。 倦了,我要休息。还有多三个礼拜罢了,我就可以睡个够够了,不用每天天未亮就醒来。 幸福,是可以睡到自然醒。 幸福,是可以不顾一切的放声大唱。 幸福,是有能力拿钱回家。 幸福,是有人陪我唱k 幸福,是有人一起吃饭。 所以,我是幸福,快乐的。虽然我很累。 你的幸福是什么?你快乐吗? 希望你们都是幸福的,虽然工作和生活,难免让我们喘不过气。


随便写写,最近也没东西写。 工作,睡觉,吃饭,起床。。。日复一日,重复着。 累,睡了还累。 心里很empty, 唱K 填不了的空洞 唱了至少可以添一点点吧) 我的快乐,来自唱歌。 不懂要写什么了,其实应该做power point presentation 的。 让我一边听歌,一边做power point 吧。 别再浪费时间,在facebook, 看星光,康熙了啦。 在工作上,觉得自己很笨,又不要读书,以前学的,统统忘光光。 我要努力点。 加油!!!

feeling weary....

These 2 weeks is going to be busy, new neuro ward is so much busier than general ward. I miss those lepak days, and going back home at 5+pm today is sunday yet I leave Hospital at 230pm. (actually only need to work til 11am for weekend) Tomorrow I have to reach ward by 6am, to cover all patients. Will I be able to wake up so early? Today was supposed to go as early as 6am also, but reach hospital already 640am aih...... i sleep a lot yet I feel tired. No mood to study, no mood to go to work, aih.....

I love sing K

Singing is my first hobby, since the day I have memory. Stil remember the scene when I was small, and my aunty teaching me to sing Hokkien songs, so that they can push me to go up stage sing when there is wedding (you know, traditional wedding ceremony sure got karaok mah) having been to kk sabah for more than 2 months, finally I have a chance to sing gao gao yesterday. It was so much fun (apart from satisfying my desire to sing), is to spend time with all those new frens in surgery posting Settling down with new life, new working environment, new ppl, new challanges Hope can have more quality time like this in future. Hope that life will keep on getting better

Growing pain

人越来越大,就越多烦恼。 有些人越长越大,越不会想,让身边的人,更多麻烦。 长越大,越多责任,对家人,对自己,对社会。。。(我没那么伟大为社会啦,哈哈) 当我小的时候,希望快快长大,自己赚钱,不用受人管制,为所欲为。 当我长大后,才发现,长大了后,更不能为所欲为。 随之而来的,是更多的责任,烦恼。 但是,这就是成长过程。 所谓的,growing pain 希望经过这些以后,I will be a better person